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I’m 20 years old and I studied in Nanyang Polytechnic and graduated from the School of Interactive Digital Media with a diploma in Digital Visual Effects.

I have learnt and have experience in a number of programs like Maya Autodesk, Houdini & After Effects. I excel more in Maya because I’m really into dynamic simulation. I love to do fluids and pyro FX. Lighting and texturing is another area which I excel in. The reason why I love these two is because it allows be to push the boundaries and get creative.

I’m a friendly and approachable person with can-do attitude. I love to make new friends and connect with everyone. Interaction and bonding with the people around me is a very important trait of mine. I like to help others when they’re in need and try my best to provide as much as I can. I’m a good leader and have lead many of my group projects before. I know how to work under pressure and overcome stress situations. I always try my very best and put all my

"I go out there to win. People don't care if you die in this business. The only way I get back is with success."

- Micheal Bay


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